DAIRY CATTLE MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION CAREER DEVELOPMENT EVENT PURPOSE: The purpose of the Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation CDE is to provide a competitive event for agricultural education students, emphasizing skills in dairy cattle evaluation, selection and dairy herd management. EVENT RULES TEAM OF: 4 FFA members OFFICIAL DRESS APPROPIATE: Optional STATE PARCIPIANTS: 12 teams - top 4 per region MATERIALS NEEDED: (ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT): No. 2 pencils, Clear (see-through/transparent) clipboards, 4 official judgingcard.com scorecards, Calculator (must be battery operated, non-programmable and silent with only the following functions- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, equals, percent, square root, +/- key and one memory register.) FORMAT: This event consists of the following components: Team A. Management Scenario Individual B. General Knowledge Exam C. Evaluation Classes D. Oral Reasons
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